Mission Statement

Our mission is to serve as conduit of information among agricultural producers, our citizenry and elected officials. Our goal is to educate the community about issues that affect agriculture in Montgomery County Maryland.  We also want to ensure the continuance of an environment
that encourages productive agriculture for future generations and ensure the vitality of our open space by maintaining a viable and productive agricultural sector. Production agriculture is considered the most productive and practical use of open space.

Farmers are some of the greatest stewards of this open space. Their voices may be few but the results of their efforts are enjoyed by all. Without their commitment to the preservation of the land they farm our Agricultural Reserve couldn’t exist. Montgomery Agricultural Producers (MAP) is the voice of these hard working and dedicated citizens of Montgomery County who work to protect this precious resource we call the Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve.

•To advise and counsel our elected
officials about legislation and regulation
that affects agriculture in our county.
•To promote the education of our county
students about where and how food is
produced in our county..
•To ensure the next generation of farmers
the opportunity to earn a productive living
and the ability to pass their operations on
to the ensuing generations.
•Protect farmers and landowners property

•  To Promote production agriculture as a
viable business.
• To advocate production agriculture as
the highest and best use of our precious
open space and the most efficient and
effective means of maintaining open
space in Montgomery County.
• To educate our citizens, elected officials
and related government agencies about
the importance of a viable agricultural
sector to our County.